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This service provides assistance in the performance of routine household activities at a consumer’s place of residence.

This Service may be provided in the following settings

1) This service shall be provided in the consumer’s home.
2) This service may be provided outside only when unsafe/unsanitary conditions exist or in the community when purchasing supplies or medicines.
3) This service shall not be provided when the consumer is hospitalized.
4) This service shall not be provided to consumers residing in group homes, vendor supported developmental homes (child or adult), skilled nursing facilities, non-state operated ICFs/MR, or Level I or Level II behavioral health facilities.


To preserve or improve the safety and sanitation of the consumer’s living conditions.


The Qualified Vendor shall ensure that the following objectives are met:

1) Develop and implement a schedule and general plan of care (Housekeeping Agreement).
2) Provide assistance to attain or maintain safe and sanitary living conditions, including but not limited to the following tasks:

Dusting, cleaning floors, bathrooms, oven, refrigerator, and windows (if necessary for safe and sanitary living conditions); Cleaning kitchen, washing dishes, routine maintenance and cleaning of household appliances; changing linens and making bed; washing, drying and folding the consumer’s laundry (ironing only if necessary); Shopping for and storing household supplies and medicines; taking garbage out; and other duties as determined appropriate and necessary by the ISP team.

In unusual circumstances, the following tasks may be performed:

1) To attain safe living conditions heavy cleaning such as washing walls or ceilings, or yard work such as cleaning the yard and hauling away debris.
2) To assist the consumer in obtaining and/or caring for basic material needs for water, heating and food.
3) Planning, shopping, storing and cooking for nutritional meals

Affinity Family Care
1423 S. Higley Road
Suite #115
Mesa, AZ 85206

(480) 558-3600
(480) 558-1806 - Fax